Photography Contest

The 'I': A Call for Self Portraiture

Deadline |


Theme |

Self Portrait

Territory |


Eligibility |

Open to all

Entry Fees |

$20 for 3 images

Prizes |

By turning the camera onto ourselves we are able to share the most intimate examination of the human condition. Perceptions of reality are shaped by personal experiences. At what point does inner turmoil and emotion bubble over into everyday life? Is a self-portrait a depiction of what one feels, one's self concept or one's desire to be seen? Examine the role of "I" without any preconceived notions of what a self portrait should be.

20% of artist entry fees go to charity. 10% of artist entry fees goes to the curator's choice of charity. Friedlander has chosen The Creation District. The Creation District is an incubator and a safe haven for creation, discovery, activism, daring, and dream-making for Sacramento's youth and young adults. Another 10% goes to the first place winner's choice of charity.

ALL entrants work is shown on their own page with their artist statement, website info, bio and parts of their CV. Early entries may be featured on L.A. Photo Curator's Facebook and Instagram pages.

First Place winner receives Q&A with curator. Curator reviews first place winner. One or more past curators may contribute reviews as well. 10% of artist fees goes to the first place winner's charity. The first place image shows on our splash page for a month.

Ellen Friedlander is a Los Angeles-based fine art and documentary artist who uses a variety of in-camera and post processing techniques to reveal the unpredictable, idiosyncratic, inscrutable nature of the human condition. Friedlander is an Advisor for Pasadena Photography Arts for which she curates and hosts for Open Show/Pasadena/East LA.