Photography Contest

The Magic of Light

Deadline |


Theme |

The Magic of Light

Territory |


Eligibility |

Open to all

Entry Fees |

$39 for five photographs

Prizes |

Photographers recognize that they are not photographing the tangible subject, but only the light that is reflected from it. The quality of the light, then - its intensity, direction, color, diffusion - often determines the success or failure of an image.

For this exhibit, we're looking for images whose success rests in the quality of the light, harsh of diffuse, bright or dim, natural or artificial, their subjects made magic by the light that falls on them. All capture and processing methods are welcome.

We are very pleased that Ann Jastrab will jury and this exhibit. She will select up to 35 images for exhibition in the Middlebury gallery, and up to an additional 35 for our Online gallery. All selected images will be published in the exhibit catalog.