Photography Contest

Portrait Photography Collective

Deadline |


Theme |


Territory |


Eligibility |

Open to all

Entry Fees |

1 Entry £9

Prizes |

Cash Prize
The Portrait Photography Collective was created to showcase the work of the world’s most talented portrait photographers. By creating a platform that hosts monthly competitions exclusively within the field of portraiture, we offer photographers a realistic opportunity to monetise their passion by competing for completely uncapped prize money. 50% of all income received from entry fees is given back as prize money.

As a media, photography has never been so popular. The combination of equipment becoming more accessible and social media providing multiple platforms for photographers to showcase their work, the industry has never been so competitive. With opportunities becoming scarcer to make a living within the field, the Portrait Photography Collective poses the opportunity for photographers to supplement their income by competing in monthly portrait photography competitions that are run back-to-back throughout the year. Our prize money will always scale with the popularity of our competitions, and we won’t ever cap what we give out..

50% of all income received from entry fees is given back as prize money. The percentage of the prize money each winner will receive is as follows: Winner - 35%