Photography Contest

Terre Solidaire Photo Award

Terre Solidaire Photo Award

Deadline |


Theme |

Humanist and environmental photography.

Territory |


Eligibility |

Professional Photographers

Entry Fees |


Prizes |

Cash Prize
With the support of Sebastião Salgado, CCFD-Terre Solidaire is launching the first edition of the Prix Photo Terre Solidaire dedicated to humanist and environmental photography.
This commitment is symbolized by a 50,000€ cash prize shared between three laureates..
Our definition of Humanist and Environmental Photography embraces the vision of CCFD-Terre Solidaire which acts for social and environmental issues..
This theme aims at depicting human beings at the very heart of their global environment and values the people acting for a more sustainable and fairer world..
The concept.
This Prix has three goals. To acknowledge a photographer’s career. To support the continuation of their work. To invite photographers to join CCFD-Terre Solidaire in its commitment to a fairer world..
These main aspects are materialized by:
50,000 euros shared between the three laureates..
The diffusion of their work through exhibitions and the publication of a book..
A paid mission for a photo-report on one of our abroad partners..
Candidates will have to submit their resume and their photographic project. This project must consist of a series (begun or completed but being part of a long-term approach) as well as a documentary synopsis..
What reward for the laureates?
The laureate of the Grand Prix Terre Solidaire will receive a cash prize of 30,000 euros and will be exhibited in a festival in summer 2024. The two laureates of the Prix Terre Solidaire will each receive 10,000 euros..
All the laureates will have the opportunity to realize photo-reports on our abroad partners and will see their work published in a book. The profits of which will be dedicated to the actions of CCFD-Terre Solidaire.