Photography Contest

In-Between Moments

Deadline |


Theme |

In-Between Moments

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Eligibility |

All entrants must be 18 years of age or older

Entry Fees |

$35/5 images

Prizes |

The most perceptive photographers can make compelling pictures out of uninteresting moments. - Alex Tehrani

French novelist Georges Perec declared that we should found “an anthropology of the ordinary” as revolt against cultural and mass media exploitation of the exotic - the relentless parade of trauma elevated above the routine of everyday events. Perec’s revolt against the frenzy of trauma (the shameful, the voyeuristic and the spectacular) was to excessively document the ordinary in daily life, meticulously accounting for everything and anything in one’s immediate surroundings in an active attempt to uncover the unimportant and the insignificant.

Praxis Gallery seeks the submission of photographic art that explores the in-between moments of life and endeavors to notice the unnoticeable, the mundane, the banal and anti-climactic. "In giving value to the ordinary we, in turn, begin to value the space of our own identity and everyday ‘normal’ experience that lies outside of commodified and predefined trajectories of trauma exploitation. All genres, capture types, black & white and color, traditional and non-traditional photographic and digital post-production processes are welcome for submission.

CURATOR: PRAXIS DIRECTORS Program Director Ross Anderson is an award-winning fine art photographer and filmmaker. Gallery and Installationist Director Jonathan Pavlica is the Praxis Print & Color Artist, Photo Editor, and installationist. Project Director Sarah Weiss is an artist, educator, and co-founder of CollabArts Twin Cities.