Photography Contest

Camille Lepage Award 2022

Deadline |


Theme |


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Eligibility |

Professional photographers

Entry Fees |


Prizes |

Cash Prize
Members of the jury, all recognized figures in the field of photography, shall meet in Paris in late middle of June 2022 to select the Winner of the Award which will be officially presented at an evening show at the International Festival of Photojournalism Visa pour l'Image- Perpignan in September 2022.

The Award Winner will receive prize money of 8000 euros in a single payment presented with the Award in September 2022. The Award Winner must be present in Perpignan in September 2022 to receive the Award (fees covered by the Award Winner).

The Applicant may submit his project at another price. But if he obtains a prize with the same project before the jury of the Camille Lepage award meets, the applicant must inform Images Evidence and the association "Camille Lepage - On est ensemble" as soon as he has it. His application file will either be withdrawn or maintained: he will be informed by e-mail.